Hamstring Knee strengthening Diabetes exercises Apgubi

What exercise to strengthen quadriceps and knees?

Below is a quadriceps strengthening exercise, 
not only good for diabetes, knee arthritis, and weight loss but for liver health.

hamstring knee strengthening diabetes exercises Apgubi

We often say the thigh is the liver shown outside.

The thigh muscles regulate blood sugar in place of the liver and burn fat to keep the blood clean.

They also help to maintain weight by preventing unconsumed calories from accumulating in the body.

They consume more than 70% of the ingested glucose to prevent blood sugar from increasing, which is very effective in diabetes prevention.

Besides, they reduce the load on the knee joints, so the muscles in the thigh should be strengthening to prevent knee arthritis.

There are various activities to strengthen the thigh muscles - training in a fitness club, mountain hiking, lots of walking, etc.

You need to use your joints in ankle, knee, and lower back to do thigh-strengthening exercise, but you could also injure them during exercise.

The thing I'm going to tell you is an exercise you can do without moving,

It's ApGuBi.

By doing it, you can strengthen your thighs and knees in a very short time, without any strain on the joints, and you can do it anytime, anywhere.

I'll explain how to do ApGuBi stance. 

First, stand with both feet shoulder width apart,

put your right foot to the front, turn to the right,

turn your right foot 45 degrees inward, 

stand your left toes twisted,

and bend your knees until the joints in the ankle and the knee are about 90 degrees.

Raise the right hand in front of you, twist the wrist and face the fingers upward.

Twist the left wrist, and position the back of left hand on top of that of right hand to face each other.

Point your back knee toward your big toe of the front foot,

the distance between the back knee and the front foot is about two fists-width,

pull the hips back a little, straighten the lower back, 

and lean the upper body forward a little.

Put the weight of your upper body on your front and back legs by 50%.

The thing you should notice here is that the sole of the back foot should be perpendicular to the floor to make the exercise effective.

Follow-along exercise "ApGuBi" to the right, 30 seconds per set, two sets to the left, 30 seconds per set, two sets

Before doing exercise, relax your joints.

First, knee bend and stretch.

Next, Knee rotate.

Apgubi on the right side.

When keeping the pose, you can make it high a little if you feel it’s too hard,

but make sure the sole of the back foot should be perpendicular to the floor.

After 30 seconds, stand up.

Relax your legs and arms lightly.

One more time, to the right, keep ApGuBi pose for 30 seconds.

To check if you take the right pose,

see if the ankle and the knee of your back leg are shown as 90 degrees,

and the knee of your front leg is about 120 degrees.

Now 30 seconds is passed. Return.

Likewise, relax your legs and arms lightly.

This time, ApGuBi on the left side.

Like every other exercise or sport, 

while doing ApGuBi, you should relax your shoulders and hang them lightly.

Now 30 seconds is passed, return.

Relax your legs and arms lightly.

Again, ApGuBi to the right.

After 30 seconds, return.

After doing ApGuBi on both sides, do knee joints stretching.

Knee bend and stretch.

Knee rotate. 

This way, you can do ApGuBi exercise, 2 minutes altogether, once in a day.

Do it constantly for about 3 months. 

You will have strong, healthy thigh muscles.

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